We're currently registered at:
Sears - You can see our online registry here. Our registry number is 200836212116. Please note that a lot of the items we've listed on this registry are currently sale items. You may want to check out the items online for more current prices as the registry lists all items at full price.
The Bay - You can see our online registry here. Our registry number is 08126302. We weren't too pleased with the selection at Sears so that's why we've added The Bay now. Please note that a lot of the items we've listed on this registry go on sale on the weekends.
Crate & Barrel - Unfortunately you cannot view our wedding registry for Crate & Barrel online. Instead please view our registry list here. We will update this posting often but please make sure to view an up-to-date list at the store before making a purchase.
Pottery Barn - You can see our online registry here. Our registry number is 2285383.
We've created our own registry for:
Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) - Unfortunately MEC doesn't currently have a gift registry however we've decided that MEC carries many outdoor recreation items that we'd love to own. See our MEC gift request list.
Check back often for more registry information.
Thank you very much for your generosity.